I am kicking off this open discussion series with Part 1 of “Whats Wrong With This Tattoo?” where I find some of the world’s worst tattoo’s for us to voice our opinions openly on what we feel is wrong with the tattoos!
The idea behind the series “Whats Wrong With This Tattoo?” is to help raise awareness on what bad tattoo practices and applications look like. By reviewing and sharing our thoughts and opinions we can gain knowledge, understanding, perspective, and potentially change the choices one would have made along the way.

Drop a comment down below on what you feel is wrong with this tattoo? Remain professional, relay your insight and voice your opinions. Constructive criticism is welcomed however bullying one another is not.
8 responses to “Whats Wrong With This Tattoo? Pt.1”
Man this is a hard one, I’m still fairly new to tattooing but I think it has to do with the depth of the needle (too deep?)
I feel it was too deep as well matching of the hand and machine speed was off. I’m not a professional actually I just got out the joint have only use a homemade gun in there. I’m in the process now of getting some professional equipment and try to take the skills that I have required in there out here.
Definitely way too deep. It’s hard to say exactly the cause of that infected spot, but it is certainly fighting off infection, will scab significantly and the ink will likely be gone in that spot when it finally heals.
I think that this tattoo looks over worked and scarred due to the raising of the skin.
Lines should heal with no textures or raising. If we have lines that have are raised like this we likely applied the tattoo incorrectly.
If we look at the top right corner of the tattoo we can see a blowout which is a clear indication of going too deep.
So when we combine going to deep with inadequate hand speed/voltage we get results that are very very similar to this.
Also notice how the eyes are blurring together and this could have been avoided by using a smaller line weight to be more technical when applying those smaller details. I’m not sure if the eyes where supposed to be blacked out but in my opinion it would have been better to use a smaller line weight to add more details.
It also looks like there is an infection going on which could have happened for MANY reasons.
Looks like the speed was wrong and gave it that razor cut look and for sure went to deep. I’d say the angle that was used was off also,pretty much looks like no angle was used.
Definitely an infection, that could have been due to something during the tattoo process or from how it was treated upon completion. I’m pretty new to tattooing but it looks blown out in some areas and raised in most. Definitely has some scarring and looks like it may be because the artist went too deep.
Once this is fully healed I image that some of it will have fallen out and remain milky. I hope this client got some antibiotics!
Ive only tattooed in the penitentiary and am in the process of getting professional equipment ,. But yes hand / speed off and too deep In spots.
Not only are my eye DRAWN to the middle of this tattoo, but I agree with Daniel that a finer line detail applied to the eye section would have been more intricate. Not ONLY all of that but it is scarred, overworked and has that texture that comes with too-deep-of-needle, that unfortunately I, myself have experienced. Rather more painful in my opinion, than a tattoo done at the right depth (which I have experienced before as well). Overall, not bad design, just bad execution and habit of ‘riding the tube’.
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