The Floral Guide V2: Practice Floral Designs Any Time Any Place

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Product Description

  • Develop Your Shading
  • Develop Your Shading Placements
  • Develop Your Technical Application
  • Develop Cross Hatching
  • Develop Your Stipple Shading
  • Develop Hand Speed & Voltage
  • Develop Your Referencing Abilities
  • Develop Discipline
  • Develop Patience For Tattoos
  • Learn To Apply No Line Designs
  • Can Use A Tattoo Machine & Ballpoint Cartridge

Within The Floral Guide V2 you will find an array of various flowers in black and white format. 1 flower will be in black and white with saturation and the other flower next to it will be identical but it will be very very light. The idea is to try and mimic the reference as best we can by adding the shading where we feel it belongs.

Not only is The Floral Guide workbook series great for working on our referencing strength and precision The Floral Guide workbooks can be very useful when it comes to working on our shading. Shading is very important in the world of tattooing so being able to practice shading on the go anytime and anywhere is everything!

The Floral Guide V2 comes jam packed with 25 different flower designs that we can practice, develop and grow within our tattooing journey. The Floral Guide Workbook Series is also great for becoming more comfortable with designs that don’t have any hard lines.

We will be faced with a series of various challenges that may range from problem solving specific technical applications, we will be faced with loads of artistic choices that we will need to make to complete the design. We will also be challenging ourselves and our referencing abilities while being able to establish a familiarity with what certain applications should be.

The Floral Guide Workbook Series is fantastic for practicing shading placement. Not only are we able to work on our shading placement but we are also able to practice easily anytime and anyplace!

Happy Learning!