The Book About Fake Tattoo Skin

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Are you thinking about getting into tattooing or permanent make up?

Are you wanting to know more about tattoo fake skin?

When I use the term “fake skin”, I am speaking about a silicone or sometimes rubber based material that we can use to practice and develop our tattooing skillsets.

In the Tattoo Fake Skin Guide I will elaborate on exactly what fake skin is, what fake skin is used for, how fake skin looks, how fake skin feels, how fake skin is made, what fake skin has to offer and more! Along the read I will be sharing close up images to help get my points across.

I will touch base on every aspect of fake tattoo skin as best as I can so by the end of this book you will have a good understanding as to what fake tattoo skin is and has to offer. Not only will I share as much info as I can along the way I will share loads of images of tattoos that have been done on different fake skins. By the end of this book you will have a better understanding about what fake skin is and what you can expect from fake skins.

In this book there will be loads of QR codes that will take you to various resources such as tattoo products I have used and use, my website, fake skins and more! Feel free to scan them with your smartphone camera to navigate to the pages for more info.

Fake skin is something that is either loved of hate I feel. Fake skin can work well for 1 artist but can be a nightmare for another. Fake skin for me personally has changed the way that I look at tattooing and has changed the way that I tattoo.

I was able to learn and accomplish so much on fake skin and I would have never thought it be possible that I would be able to tattoo the tattoos you see on the left. When I first started I could only DREAM about doing tattoos like the one that I did on the left.

With fake skin I was able to adapt, learn, and grow as an artist and I was able to develop in ways I didn’t know possible.

The thing with fake skin is I was able to learn lining, I was able to learn shading, I was able to learn textures and I was able to learn dot work as well!

In todays day and age it is possible to become really good at tattooing without ever actually tattooing a human being. Heres the twist, it is possible to get really good at tattooing before we ever tattoo a human and all while being qualified to tattoo human skin.

If you are thinking about getting into tattooing this book may help save you time, money, effort and heartache!

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